Tales of symphonia colette and lloyd
Tales of symphonia colette and lloyd

tales of symphonia colette and lloyd

Genis blushed at the unexpected compliment. “Ex-pliss… Huh?” Lloyd scrunched his nose up, mystified, and shook his head. “Sometimes memories linger in our subconscious, even when we can’t recall those events explicitly.” “I don’t really remember much from before that.” His expression was pained. He tapped a finger on his kendama handle. “Weird,” declared Genis, half-laughing at the last remark, then paused. And you’re smart, so you’ve got a better memory than me.”


He swung a wooden sword back and forth in his free hand, bonking slimes here and there. “I just think I know him, is all,” Lloyd said, scratching his cheek. “In Iselia? Or somewhere on your travels before you came here?” Lloyd twitched, restraining the compulsion to leap to her side. As they watched, the blonde tripped, saved only by Kratos’ impressive reflexes. Colette and the mercenary walked ahead of them. “Do you recognise him from anywhere?” he whispered to Genis. Dad’s superb workmanship attracted some foreigners to their humble abode, but Lloyd’s interactions with customers were limited to only a few exchanges-certainly not enough to strike him with this strange, profound impression of familiarity. However, Kratos was a mercenary, bought by money, and he didn’t seem all that interested in religion. It was seldom that devout travellers came fear of the Desians kept many away in spite of the treaty. Iselia was a small village: everyone knew everyone. Yet, no matter how hard he strained his brain, he could not figure out where from. Colette and Genis had gawked at the startlingly subdued manner with which he’d reacted. He played with the Sorcerer’s Ring until Kratos snapped at him, to which he responded with a sullen grunt.

tales of symphonia colette and lloyd

He gaped at the pockmarked stones, at the twisting vines indicating the temple’s age. He tried to shove it to the back of his mind.

tales of symphonia colette and lloyd

He’d almost blurted it out right then and there, despite the surrounding events not exactly being conducive to having a conversation about such a topic. It was such a strong, yet somehow vague feeling. The first time his eyes had met Kratos’, he had thought, I know this guy. He had not brought it up to the others, though. Someone who spoke like that, whose expression was that of a man grieving every time he glanced at Lloyd and livid whenever he laid eyes upon Yggdrasill… There had to be something more to it. It was enough to convince him that Kratos wasn’t wholly on Yggdrasill’s side. But as time went on, indistinct memories of Lloyd’s tenure as a soulless angel began to return. Initially, he had thought it wishful thinking. It was as if Kratos had regretted everything that had put them into that situation. It was… How could he put it? It was a thousand emotions in one terrifying moment. The way Kratos had stared at him just before his key crest had been taken off shook him to his core. Lloyd could not stop thinking of the guy. And, unbeknownst to him, neither did Colette’s she simply looked at him in worry. “Kratos!” spluttered Sheena, and most of the group’s eyes darkened. “And then, when I said no, Kratos tried to change my mind.”

tales of symphonia colette and lloyd

“And then?” Raine prodded, her lips thin. Lloyd’s stomach griped at the wait, but he was thankful that his senses were responding as usual. The half-elf in question stirred the pot. Lloyd’s legs itched a little, still healing from Genis’ spell earlier. They sat in a circle around the campfire, its flickering light mesmerising.

Tales of symphonia colette and lloyd